About - The Cerebral Reform

This is a website made to create a community of curious minds who desire to understand and be understood. A place where barriers are broken down and there is freedom to be ourselves. A place where we can demolish beliefs that aim to ostracize.

I hope to continue to build this website to help us connect better; and create a platform for everybody to feel comfortable exploring. So, we can all learn more about the world around us.

"Becoming human is becoming individual, and we become individual under the guidance of cultural patterns ...which give form, order, point, and direction to our lives...[But] we must...descend into detail, past the misleading tags, past the metaphysical types, past the empty similarities, to grasp firmly the essential character of not only the various cultures but the various sorts of individuals within each culture, if we wish to encounter humanity face to face." - Clifford Geertz / The Interpertation of Culture